Hassler Ministries
Monday, February 10, 2025
To God be the Glory!



Manley Beasley

"I think sometimes that God needs my help to keep things going: then I see Him touching the lives of men such as Leroy Hassler, a man with a life surrendered, having a God-given vision and a vital faith. Then I know God has everything under control."




Dr. James T. Draper, Jr.,
Past President of the Southern Baptist Convention and LifeWay

Leroy and Ann's Former Pastor

"Leroy Hassler has demonstrated the veracity of the Word of God in his life.  Some years ago I recommended Leroy to a friend of mine for a revival meeting.  My friend reported later that the meeting was the greatest spiritual experience of his church.  That is the testimony of those using Leroy Hassler."



Dr. R.J. Michael Barnett
FBC Ocean Springs, MS

"The Lord has used Leroy Hassler on several occasions in my pulpit. His messages have motivated my people and me to surrender to God for revival. As a result of his time with us, lethargic and backslidden church members have repented and are now living dynamic lives for Christ. After each meeting with Leroy, the church gained a greater burden for the lost. I will have Leroy back because God's hand is on him and his ministry."




Glenn Sellers
Pastor, Center View Baptist Church, Maiden, NC

"In my twenty plus years of pastoring, I have had Brother Hassler numerous times for revival services and one mission conference. On each of these occasions, God has  used him in a unique and powerful ways, from harvesting to sparking renewal. His straightforward, no frill deliverance of messages is both refreshing and powerful. God has gifted him with the ability of cutting to the quick while not alienating his congregation. God has used him once again this week, 2007, in our midst in bringing souls to Christ, as well sparking revival fires in the hearts of our members. God willing, he will be invited back to our church soon."


Billy Duncan
Pastor, Beallwood Baptist Church Columbus, GA

"Dear Leroy,

"May I just take a moment and express my deepest appreciation for the September Bible Conference held in September 2007.  The privilege to be able to share this time with you and Dr. James T. Draper, Jr. meant so much to me personally, and our church.
"This is the second time you have been to our fellowship. Each time you have been a blessing to the church family, our faith has been strengthened, and we have had the privilege of experiencing God's presence and work. I am grateful for your teaching and preaching ministry.
As I look back over the course of the last two years and the times you have been with us, the Lord has used you to encourage and help build the church family. Several things have come to mind. First, your commitment to the Word of God and staying in the Bible night after night has strengthened the faith of so many. It is refreshing to have you because I never have to wonder if we are going to be fed spiritually.
"Second,your commitment to the local church is refreshing.  As a pastor it is good to know you are coming to help the church. Your messages are so fitting for the church body. Your seek to help the church experience the power of God and your commitment to prayer and to the holiness of God helps us. Third, your humility is such an inspiration. You do not come and try and sell yourself and seek to impress anyone. You just preach the Word of God and are faithful to God.Thanks you for being the person you are the Lord has made you a servant. I honestly can say that Beallwood is a better church because of your ministry here. Thanks and I look forward to you coming back to be with us in the future."


"Dear Bro. Leroy,

"I would like to thank you for the invitation given to join you in the work of the Lord in Zambia. But even more so, I would like to praise the Lord for placing me upon your heart. I realize that God could have used anyone to do what He used me to do in Zambia, but according to His good pleasure, He chose to allow someone like me to be a part of His great work for which I am truly grateful.

"He truly is doing a great work within the large areas of Africa, but it is truly amazing what we witnessed Him do in Kitwe and other parts of Zambia.It is rare to see such a hunger for the word of God!Simple evangelistic massages were preached to the people with a tremendous response. It reminds me of the early days of the church in which the Lord added hundreds and thousands to the church daily. I mean we would preach to groups of 2,000 - 3,000 and sometimes more (300 to 500 was a small group!)and almost everyone present would respond at the invitation by lifting their hand for salvation! I truly have never seen nothing like it! It was people of all ages. Some would be so anxious to come to Christ they would not wait until the Jesus Film for the commitment card, but would come immediately asking for the card to be filled out. It was an absolute preachers paradise in the sense that every time that I preached (except one) people were making decisions - people were giving their hearts to the Lord! God is truly doing a great work in Zambia, and He is doing a great work through Hassler Evangelistic Ministries.
"The hunger for the Word of God could also be seen by the many requests that we had for Bibles.Though we were able to distribute some Bibles, and most of them to the schools we visited, we could have given away many times more if we had just had them to give. What a blessing it would be should the Lord impress His people to give in order that many more Bibles could be purchased to give to the people. It is my prayer that everyone who desires a Bible for the purpose of growing in the Lord would be provided with one. I would also like to thank the Lord for our African brothers that are committed to this: getting the word of God to the people and providing the people with the New Testament in Bemba as well as Chochewee. But they also lack resources. What a shame! There are so many Bibles in the United States that lay around for weeks or months collecting dust while there are thousand upon thousands of people in Zambia that are longing to get just one Bible in their possession! May God have mercy on us! And may He continue to use us to get the Word to the people through preaching as well as getting more Bibles into their hands.
"Thank you again brother for the invitation to go and be part of this great work of the Lord. It was an honor and privilege. Perhaps the Lord will open the door for me to join you again in this great work.  I hope so! But most of all, I praise the Lord for what He is doing in Zambia; I praise Him for every  heart that has been won to Him for His honor and glory; I praise Him for every seed that has been sown in His name and pray  that it will bring forth the fruit of salvation; and I praise Him for allowing this preacher the great honor of sharing Jesus with those who are so spiritually hungry in Zambia. I had better go for now. God bless you, your ministry, and your wonderful wife."


Dr. William Duke  
Dothan, AL 
"Dear Leroy Hassler,

"Words cannot express the gratitude that I have by being able to go to Malawi in order to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Next to my salvation and marriage to my wonderful wife Elizabeth this was the best experience I have ever had.  God was able to crush my heart and use me as an instrument for His eternal purpose. To God be the Glory! The harvest in Malawi is abundant, but the laborers are few.The number of souls reached was only hindered by the time we had to preach.
"Many things happened in Malawi that would seem bizarre here. In one instance I was preaching a Sunday morning Church service. This was the first Church service that I had ever preached . We were starting a Church in the village that I was preaching and there was no building. The service was much longer than what we would have in America.& I was the third person to preach and that was after Sunday School and much singing. It was very hot and the women and children all sat underneath a group of low-limbed trees. Not even five minutes into my message a green mamba (Africa's deadliest snake) dropped out of the trees among the women and children.  All I witnessed was a lot of screaming and running followed by a very fast moving green snake traveling in front of me. Before you could think, a man wearing just sandals stomped on the snakes head, killing it in an instant. There is no sitting on the fence in Malawi. Hesitation will get you killed.
"When the service resumed I told the women that God must have seen them sleeping and wanted to wake them up! There are many other stories that I could tell and I am sure everyone came away from the trip with a bunch of memories. I would recommend this trip to everyone that can go. It was a great blessing to me, and continues to bless me even now."