Resources (New Book)
GO! Obeying God in World Evangelism and RevivalJust released new book by Leroy Hassler!
GO! Obeying God in World Evangelism and Revival introduces a reader to what some would call intense evangelism. It is intense in that it involves a participant in preaching at least two, three, or even more times each day over a two-week period. It is evangelistic in that it is packed with preaching and church-planting crusades that span over seven continents. Driven by a word from the Lord to reach two million souls for Christ, Evangelist Leroy Hassler recounts many of his crusades around the globe that have resulted in nearly 1.5 million decisions for Christ. God is honoring this man's obedience to GO! into the world and preach the Gospel. Many accounts of these crusades can be read from his website,, some written by preachers and laymen who have traveled to foreign countries with Leroy (Click on Reference tab). Johnnie R. Jones (, the editor of this project: As I poured over the pages of GO! Obeying God in World Evangelism and Revival, numerous times I had to stop my editing and just soak in the enormity of the evangelistic work through the Hassler Evangelistic Ministries. If only dozens of preachers and laymen would read this story and develop a burden for the lost that would lead them to join in future crusades, what an impact for global missions and revival it would create! This story must be read by the future generations of preachers and evangelists! May God impress on each readers heart to send out hundreds of this book to their friends!