Hassler Ministries
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
To God be the Glory!

Leroy Hassler

Bro. Leroy Hassler

Leroy Hassler
Director of Hassler Evangelistic Ministries since 1978


♦ Leroy was born in Shreveport, LA and reared in East Texas.

♦ He married his high school sweetheart, Sally Ann.

♦ In 1973, he made a complete surrender as a Christian to the Lordship of Christ.

♦ On April 7, 1974, he answered God's call to evangelism.

♦ Leroy attended Stephen F. Austin University, Nacogdoches, Texas, Florida Baptist Theological College, Graceville, FL, and graduated from Dallas Baptist University. Leroy has attended continuing education at Southwestern Baptist Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas and Stetson University, DeLand, FL and Luthur Rice Seminary, Jacksonville, FL.

♦ He has preached in North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Australia, and Asia.

♦ Leroy has preached in over 600 churches across the world and has preached 1,260 times in 54 overseas crusades. He has personally preached in over 700 Jr and Sr High Schools, Colleges, and University Assemblies. Hassler Ministries has proclaimed the gospel in over 3,962 schools across the world.

♦ He has preached in over 350 revival meetings, Bible conferences, and seminars.

♦ He pastored Eastside Baptist Church, Rusk, Texas where every attendance record in the 100 year history of the church was broken. To God be the glory!

♦ Leroy and his wife are members of a Baptist church in East Texas.

♦ Over 4,401,462 decisions for Christ have been recorded by Hassler Evangelistic Ministries.

♦ Hassler Ministries has started 358 new churches in 9 countries!

Latest News from Hassler Ministries,  Jan. 2019


P. O. Box 1791, Gladewater, TX 75647



KELLY BLOMDAHL, CEO of Blomdahl Financial Services in Arlington, Texas said, “ I have known Leroy and Ann Hassler since 1977 and have personally watched his ministry grow from nearly nothing to what it is today, one of the most phenomenally successful soul winning ministries in the world. I was at a Baptist church in Coppell, Texas in 2006 where the altar was full of weeping, repenting people after Leroy gave the invitation when he preached a God-honoring message. In about 1995 he came and spoke to a Sunday school class I taught to teenagers. When he finished people were in tears and 5 people got saved out of about 20 older teenagers who were there that day. I heard him preach at First Baptist in Euless, Texas in the 1980’s. God’s hand and power is obviously on his life and his wife’s also. He preaches just as hard in a small church as a big church. When the Hasslers lived in our Dallas-Fort Worth area Leroy knocked on 34 doors one afternoon in the rain and witnessed to people for Christ! Leroy was dripping wet when he finished! He is a man with a heavy burden for souls and a "do not quit" attitude. The brother of a well-known professional football player said, ‘When Leroy witnessed to him, it seemed like God’s hand was holding him against a wall and he could not even move until Leroy finished telling him about Christ!’ This man had always been able to turn his back and walk away when others tried to tell him about Jesus.”

“When Leroy announced that God had placed it on his heart to reach 2 million people for Christ in 1994, a well known and highly respected Christian leader told him, ‘You never can do that and you cannot get the money to do that!’ Leroy respectfully listened but kept his faith in the living God who has all power and resources to do what ever is in His will! You cannot discourage a God called God anointed man like Brother Hassler. Leroy heard from God and set his entire being to getting on with reaching people for Christ! What the man did not know is that Leroy spent 6 months or more weeping daily and praying for God to use him to reach the lost! The man who said he could not do it or get the money later changed his mind and started financially supporting Hassler Evangelistic Ministries. Hassler Ministries has also helped start over 358 new churches! That is no minor achievement. Leroy takes no credit for anything but gives credit and Glory to God at every opportunity publicly and privately!”

Kelly Blomdahl, Vice-President of Hassler Evangelistic Ministries

To God be the Glory!

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